How to Sponsor Refugees
The Welcome Corps makes it possible for Americans to sponsor refugees seeking safety and freedom. Sign up to receive more information and get practical resources on how to become a sponsor.
You can be a bridge to safety for a refugee family. Sponsor groups are matched to a refugee family and help refugees settle into their new communities in the United States. Experts from the Welcome Corps will be there to guide you each step of the way.
Sign up to learn more about becoming a sponsor or start the sponsorship process!
The Welcome Corps is a program of the U.S. Department of State that empowers everyday Americans to welcome refugees arriving through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Join a nationwide movement to bring refugees to safety in the United States. You have the experience needed to sponsor a refugee. Sponsors help by preparing initial housing, greeting refugees at the airport, and enrolling kids in schools. Plus, we will help you each step of the way. Sign up to learn more.