These meeting guides offer optional discussion questions and activities to help you plan regular check-ins with your group throughout your sponsorship journey.
Arrival Meeting Guide
The arrival meeting happens in week one. At the arrival meeting, a member of the sponsor team and refugee(s) identify any immediate needs and share goals. Use this guide to consider meeting discussions and activities, including a cultural orientation check-in.
Midpoint Meeting Guide
The midpoint meeting happens about six weeks after arrival. The midpoint meeting is an opportunity for a member of the sponsor team and refugee(s) to review progress and share goals. Use this guide to consider meeting discussions and activities, including a cultural orientation check-in.
Transition Meeting Guide
The transition meeting happens around week 10. This allows for the opportunity to complete key sponsorship activities within the sponsorship period. At the transition meeting, you will identify all the progress you have made. This is a great time to identify priorities at this time in the sponsorship. Remember that integration is an ongoing, years-long process. The sponsorship period offers a strong start. Refugees and sponsors will be at various places at the time of the transition meeting. No matter where you are with your sponsorship activities, it is important to meet and identify the next steps. Use this guide to consider meeting discussions and activities, including a cultural orientation check-in.