The United States has a rich tradition of welcoming refugees. This guide provides some best practices, drawn from this experience, to support your private sponsor group with fundraising goals on campus and in the community.
The campus private sponsor group will be required to secure all funds needed to cover the refugee student’s academic expenses, including full tuition, books, supplies, health insurance, room & board, and basic living expenses for one full year, the sponsorship period. Room & board and basic living expenses vary based on location, but we estimate an average of $15,000 for the 12-month sponsorship period in addition to tuition expenses.
We strongly encourage the private sponsor group to consult the Refugee Student Needs List as well core sponsor services when developing a budget of estimated expenses to ensure successful and transparent fundraising. A clearly defined budget also ensures that the sponsored refugee student understands the limits of the support provided and helps them prepare for the transition into gradual self-sufficiency after the one-year sponsorship period.
Key to the private sponsor group’s successful fundraising is early and sustained coordination with institutional leadership, relevant departments, and the community (on and off campus) to generate the level of resources needed, both cash and in-kind, to support the sponsored refugee student as they begin their educational journey and integrate into the community.
Ideally, your private sponsor group will comprise faculty, students, administration, and staff representing various roles and degrees of influence on campus. Success will depend on how well your group leverages its collective and individual power and connections.